Handling Reality
Communication Creates Psychosocial Reality
We live in the reality that is created by the what we think and say. This was discovered by the sages of early civilizations some thousands of years ago. For Judaism in the Sefer Yetzirah, for Hinduism in the Vedas. Mostly the message did not sink in. But today it seems that many more are grasping the significance and power of thoughts and speech in constructing reality.
Thoughts are communications we make to ourselves. It follows that each of us lives in a slightly different reality. But those thoughts lead to communications to others. As a result, we participate in families, organizations, groups, communities and societies created by what we think, say and write.
So each
has potentially profound implications and ramifications in how anyone makes sense of themselves and their surroundings.Issues associated with the intrinsic uncertainty of reality will be looked at through the prism of each method:
• comprehending communications about reality
• agreement on communications about reality
• ambiguity in communications in relation to reality.
What is Reality Really?
takes it for granted that things are as you can directly demonstrate that they are by immediate actions. Words are used to describe actual things and operations on those things that can and should be directly and precisely followed when necessary.
takes it for granted that reality is a common-sense matter, and things are more or less as I assume and expect them to be. Words, meanings and actuality seems so similar and natural that each virtually becomes the other in your mind.
There is something fundamental here. Each of us must link words (linguistic symbols) that we use with our own experience (subjectivity, awareness) and also with perceptions of the world (objectivity, sensations)—otherwise we simply cannot understand what is being said. Other methods strive to disentangle and manage these requirements.
enables a group of people to lay a claim to knowledge of a particular part of reality, their field, where they have thought and studied hard and long. Developing and sustaining such an incomplete but substantial social consensus on reality needs discipline, rigour and training. The goal is to remove subjectivity, personal biases, and field-specific sources of error. What results is a paradigm that is regarded as making sense of the field.
takes for granted that everything is as everyone is brought to believe that it is. Rhetoric is the royal road to persuasion and social leadership. There is a preoccupation with social goods and social evils, and sharing broadly similar perceptions.
affirms that things exist for us as we imaginatively experience them to be. Without heightened imagination and emotions, we cannot sustain a full awareness of human reality. The created communication is a space that must be entered through a willing involvement before comprehension is possible.
is based on the assumption that the essential nature of reality can and must be observed, formulated and ordered, prior to generating theories or investigating specific fields. Only formulae can connect us directly to the essences of things, which is why natural sciences must be based in mathematics and logical formalisms.
assumes that an Absolute Reality exists beneath or beyond the illusion that is experienced as normal reality. This Absolute Reality can only be accessed using images, which are sometimes unexpected phenomena but often are fantastic or dream-like and have no correlate with anything that exists or is possible.
There seems to be a mythic realm. It is found in the language of dreams and religious cosmogonies and mythologies. Jung referred to this as the «collective unconscious».
- What affects choice of a method?
- Continue to the TET analyses.
- See especially the quadrant analyses for more on handling reality.
Originally posted: 5-Jan-2013. Last amended: 10-Feb-2023.